Alumni Weekend Update

by Morgan Weireter

Save The Date: 

We are happy to announce that the Cal Poly Alumni Game will take place on Saturday, November 11th, 2023 at the Upper Sports Complex Field. The game(s) will start at 11:00 AM. 

Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony:

The Cal Poly Lacrosse Hall of Fame Committee is pleased to announce the incoming class of 2023. Mark Anderson (1986) and Sean Pihl (2017) have been selected for induction into the CPLAX Hall of Fame. Please join us in San Luis Obispo on November 11, 2023 as we honor both Mark and Sean and all of their accomplishments and contributions to the Mustang lacrosse program. Location and time for the dinner and ceremony will be announced soon. 

We are looking forward to having all our Mustangs, both past and present, back on campus this fall!